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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Nisa' (4)- Lesson (9)- Verses[19-21]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

If you choose to believe in Allah, you must obey His orders:

 Faithful brother, this is the ninth lesson of Al-Nisaa chapter where I will explain the verse(19).

﴾O ye who believe ! ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness that ye may take away part of the dower ye have given them ,except where they have been guilty of open lewdness ; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity.If you take a dislike to them, it may be that ye dislike a thing and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good﴿

[Surat Al- Nisaa]

 O honorable brother Allah says,

﴾ let be no compulsion in religion﴿

[ Surat Al-Bakarah]

 So those who believed in Allah did so with their free choice. As a result of that kind of free belief, they should obey the instruction of Allah.
 Allah addresses all people on the general principles of religion.

﴾O ye people ! adore your Guardian –Lord﴿

[Surat Al-Bakarah]

 On the other hand, when Allah addresses the believers we can notice an implicit contract of belief between the servants and their lord.This contract stipulates that ‘you my servant believed in me and in my knowledge, my wisdom, and my mercy voluntarily without coercion so you should follow the detailed matters of faith’. In this way anybody who claims that he is a believer then does not obey or respond to the orders of Allah, is a liar with a false claim.

Response to Allah’s orders is part of your belief:

﴾O ye who believe give your response to Allah and His Messenger.when He calleth you to that which give you life ﴿

[Surat A l-Anfal]

 Response to the orders of Allah is a part of your belief so the detailed provisions and partial instructions in the Holy Quran always begin with the words:

﴾O ye believers﴿

 Allah showed what people can inherit and here appears the owner, the inheritor, and the inheritance. Allah demonstrated in this chapter, especially, the money that can be inherited. Moreover, Allah Almighty Himself distributed this inheritance in order not to open a way for the interference of social considerations since it is the right of Allah Almighty. In some previous lessons, there was an explanation of the way of dividing the inheritance. However, today Allah shows us that there are things in the Muslim´s life that cannot be inherited! In the pre-Islamic period (Jahilya ) the wife was inherited as if she was a kind of goods! The inheritors were able to marry her without dowry since she was a part of the inheritance as the bedroom. They could also marry her to anyone they wanted, taking the dowry themselves. And, they could prevent her from marrying until she gave them everything for her freedom. Women in pre-Islamic times ( Jahilya) were inherited as goods. So, after Allah showed us clearly what people can inherit -as you can find in two lessons before - Allah Almighty here highlights that there are things that we are forbidden to inherit, which are wives. The wife is a partner of life. If she fulfilled the term of her (Iddat),she has the right to marry, to be chosen by whoever wants her, and to be paid the dowry herself.

Men are women are not similar but they are complementary:

 Allah Almighty says:

﴾O ye who believe ! ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will﴿

 The woman was compelled and was considered as a part of the house goods.If her husband died, anyone of the inheritors could marry her without dowry, or could marry her to any one, taking her dowry himself.  Or, he could prevent her from marrying in order to give him something for her freedom. This is forbidden in Islam because woman is equal to man in commissioning and honor. But if Allah says,

﴾and no wise is the male like the female﴿

[Surat Al-Emran]

 we find that the woman´s mental, physical, psychological, and social characteristics suit the mission entrusted to her, and on the other hand the man´s social, mental, psychological, and physical characteristics suit the mission entrusted to him. Man and woman are complementary, not similar. However, when their missions are muddled in modern times and in the society of infidelity and corruption, communities have witnessed indescribable dangers and reasons to collapse.

﴾O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will﴿

 The woman is a commissioned and honored person and she is the partner of man´s life. If her husband dies, she has the right to marry whomever she wants after fulfilling the term of her (Iddat) taking her dowry in her hand, and anyone can engage her.
 O brother, in some eastern civilizations when the husband died, the wife was burnt with him.The pre-Islamic period (jahilya)of Arabs included injustice, and the culture of peoples of eastern countries ordering that woman must be burnt with her dead husband includes also great injustice. On the other hand, the Divine revelation gives everyone his due.

Legal judgments related to this verse:

 Allah says:

﴾Nor should ye treat them with harshness that ye may take away a part of the dower ye have given them﴿

 The first judgment was that woman could not be inherited as she is a human in the highest degree of dignity and humanity, who decides her own issues herself. In any marriage contract the woman must be asked by the judge about her approval in order to grant the validity of this contract. You, of course, saw yourselves in any celebration of signing a marriage contract that the clerk of the court goes to listen to the bride´s approval himself concerning accepting that man and that dowry.
 There is another judgment here concerning a man who abstains from divorcing his wife to make her give him all the things he gave her before. This action is completely forbidden. When we follow the origin of the Arabic word


 whose meaning is translated as “to treat them with harshness” but its literal meaning is “to prevent”, we can reach the right meaning. When labor begins, the uterus begins to shrink nice regular contractions till it pushes the baby outside then it starts to spasm severe contractions as if it is a rock. The first contractions are gentle to push the baby outside. However, if these contractions were severe, the embryo would die. On the other hand, the severe contractions are necessary after giving birth in order to bridge the ten thousand vessels which were cut during delivery. If these kinds of contractions were reversed, being severe in the beginning of labor and the gentle after it, the mother and her baby would die. Allah says:

﴾Then doth he make his path smooth for him﴿

[Surat Abas]

The meaning of “Adhl”:

 However, sometimes the uterus spasms severely in a way that does not let the baby go out. In that situation we say that the uterus is preventing {adhl in Arabic} and it is necessary to perform a caesarean section to get the baby out of his mother´s womb. So {adhl} means to prevent; then when we say that the uterus muscle is preventing, we mean that it stops pushing the baby outside and there is a necessity for doing a caesarean section.
 Sometimes the uterus spasms severely in a way that does not let the baby go out. We sometimes speak about exceptions and refer to the fact of monotheism. If Allah made reasons coupled with results forever, we would not be able to know Allah; moreover, the reasons and results would be a trivial thing because they are monotonous. Although man´s body is built upon an accurate system, not each reason leads to a specific result and not each result has a specific reason. Allah made a system in the universe to organize our life. It is noticeable that generally in this system the reasons are coupled with the results. However, sometimes the uterus does not push the baby outside. There is a kind of prevention; the uterus muscle stops shrinking and the caesarean becomes a must. Those who worship reasons and results are sometimes disappointed. We can benefit from that fact in our battle with our enemies. The atheists are sometimes surprised with unpredictable events - where are their reasons? The believers depend on reasons as if they are everything, then they trust in Allah as if these reasons are nothing. There is a clear difference between the atheist West and the disobedient East. The peoples of the atheist West worshipped and depended on the reasons completely, so Allah surprised them with unpredictable results. On the other hand, the people of the East did not depend on the reasons because of their laziness, ignorance, and negligence - the attitude which lead them to sins.The system of the uterus is to shrink in the beginning of labor but it sometimes does not in order for us not todepend on the reasons but on Allah who causes the reasons; and, in order for us not to be concerned with the material things, but with Allah the creator of them. So, by these exceptions where the action of reasons is cancelled, Allah directs our attention to get acquainted with Him. So, {adhl} means to prevent. Thus, when we say that the uterus muscle is preventing, we mean that it stops pushing the baby outside and there is a must for doing caesarean.

﴾Nor should ye treat them with harshness﴿

 Any husband who finds out that his wife is not as he wished her to be, starts to abuse her, does not treat her as wife; and neither gives her the rights of a wife, nor divorces her to let her marry another person, is committing a great sin.

﴾Nor should ye treat them with harshness﴿

 There is also an unjust husband who wants his wife to give him her dowry for her freedom so he ill-treats her till she asks for divorce by “khula”. If she asks for divorcing by khula ,he can take everything he gave to her. This way of wife abuse in order to get back all what he gave her is strongly religiously forbidden.

﴾Nor should ye treat them with harshness﴿

 Sometimes the husband has a rich wife whom he does not like, so he ill-treats her to inherit her and this is forbidden. He may also aspire to make her give him whatever he gave her before in addition to her money as he wants to inherit her to permit her to attain her freedom. If any man hated his wife, he should be patient or he should divorce her to enable her to marry the man who likes her.

Fahisha means adultery, disobedience and ill-treatment of husband:

﴾Nor should ye treat them with harshness that ye may take away part of the dower ye have given them , except where they have been guilty of open lewdness﴿

 The religious scholars said that the open lewdness means:
 -adultery. One of their opinions says that if the woman committed adultery, she loses her money, and her husband has the right to force her into divorce after giving him all what he gave her before in order to attain her freedom since she betrayed him. Some of the scholars said that the open lewdness is disloyalty and ill-conduct (nushooz) and that the wife defies her husband and disobeys him. As we know, the religion of the woman can be concluded in four points: the first is to pray the five prayers ,the second is to fast the month of Ramadan, the third is to preserve herself and the fourth is to obey her husband. If the woman did these things, she would be able to enter Allah´s paradise. So the wife's obedience to her husband represents a quarter of her religion. Thus, if the wife became disloyal (nashez)and disobedient to her husband, she would not deserve her dowry.The scolding wife who ill-treats, does not respect, and does not take care of her husband beside neglecting her duties concerning him, is said to be committing open lewdness.

 -In the Holy Quran explanation, there are three opinions concerning open lewdness. Firstly ,the wife disloyalty(nushooz), secondly adultery ,and thirdly her ill-treatment.

((The man who is married to a bad woman whom he lost hope in changing into a good person and does not divorce her, his supplication will not be answered))

 The best of what has been said in interpreting that true prophetic narration is that if you were in trouble and an expert told you to leave and you refused to go out - then you asked him what to do. He has the right not to give you a specific instruction since he told you to go out and you refused to listen to him, so he would not answer your request.

Another meaning of “Adhl” not in this Surat:

 - Any wife who is bad, disobedient, negligent of her husband and children, scold, and is too arrogant to be satisfied, always asks for divorce without a logical reason and complains of her husband wherever she goes, is not an adequate wife of a believer. He should divorce her because she is the mother of his children whom she will raise in a wrong way. So ,in the opinion of some scholars who interpreted the Holy Quran –and Al-Kortopy is one of the great scholars who interpreted the verses from the jurisprudential aspect - the open lewdness means adultery beside disloyalty (nushooz) ,disobedience to the husband, and ill-treatment.

﴾Nor should ye treat them with harshness﴿

 The action of preventing (adl in the Arabic language )refers to the behavior of the man who keeps a woman and does not treat her as a wife, abstaining from divorcing her to make her give him her dowry for her freedom.It also refers to keeping a rich woman without divorcing.
 There is a sub-meaning that is not mentioned in this chapter. Allah says:

﴾But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity﴿

[Surat Al-Nour]

 The man imagines that this daughter should stay for his own service so he puts obstacles in the way of her marriage because of his selfishness and narrow mindedness. This is also forbidden. For that reason, Allah addresses the believers saying:

﴾But force not your maids to prostitution﴿

 It is unbelievable that one of a billion believers may force his daughter to commit adultery. However this can only happen when the father prevents her (adl).Whenever any fiancé asks to marry her, he puts obstacles and obstructions in his way. He starts to ask him about his house which he is not satisfied with its entrance, and about his salary which he compares with his at his sixties. This father makes a great mistake when he prevents his daughter. By this preventing (adl), he encourages her to commit this sin.

﴾But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity﴿

 O Brother,

﴾,except where they have been guilty of open lewdness﴿

 The religious scholars said that you can get back whatever you gave her if she committed adultery, became disloyal (nashez),or disobeyed her husband. From here the “khula” has been legislated sometimes.

The main aspect of marital relationship is affection, based on love:

 Then Allah says:

﴾live with them on a footing of kindness and equity.﴿

 Allah says:

﴾Verily in the alternation of the Night and the Day , and in all Allah hath created in the heavens and the earth , are signs for those who fear him(6)﴿

[Surat younis]

﴾Among his signs are the Night and the Day ,and the sun and the moon﴿

[Surat Fosilat]

﴾and among his signs is this , that he created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may find repose in them ,and He has put between you affection and mercy﴿

[Surat Arrom]

 The main aspect of the marital relationship is affection. Affection is a love-based behavior. When the wife is as her husband wished and the husband is as his wife wished, love exists. This love is expressed by the affection which is exemplified in the kind words, smiles, favors , patience, altruism, sacrifice, and endless friendly relations between the married couple. However, if the benefits between them stopped because the wife was attacked by illness or the husband became poor for instance, the mercy will be the only remaining thing.

Living with kindness id wider than affection:

﴾and among his signs is this , that he created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may find repose in them ,and He has put between you affection and mercy﴿

 This home is built to remain stable whether it is based on love and affection or on mercy so Allah says in the verse:

﴾live with them on a footing of kindness and equity﴿

 Living on a footing of kindness and equity is wider than affection. Not every home is built upon love. However, if the man married and became a father, the future of his children becomes the first priority.The relation between the married couple becomes no longer of their own and turns to belong to their children. The reasonable husband and wife cancel that love issue if there are children whose paramount benefit is in the continuity of the marital life. The verse,

﴾live with them on a footing of kindness and equity﴿


 when interpreted by the religious scholars meant that living with them on a footing of kindness and equity is not to stop hurting the wife but to bear the hurts which she causes to him. If the husband or the wife understands living on a footing of kindness and equity as being the ability to bear the hurts of either of them, what will be the difference between them in the Islamic world. This is the instruction of Allah Almighty:

﴾live with them on a footing of kindness and equity ﴿

Beauty is only one of the characteristics of women:

 There is a fact that should be explained. When the man becomes ignorant of the woman's nature, he makes a great mistake. Allah bestowed each woman with a different gift. Sometimes, she is given wisdom, a good mind, loyalty, or beauty. Beauty is one of the woman's characteristics and not all of them. If the man hated a certain aspect of his wife , he should not forget the other aspects which she is good at. In this way we can reach the fact that the woman's looks is not everything in her. The believer should be patient and the wife should be patient also. The marriage may be successful without this condition of beauty which all of people search for everyday. This condition has a short term and its effect fades away with the passage of days. Later, the man discovers that the main aspect of marriage is affection. The prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him, described the Muslim woman as being affectionate and prolific. She gives birth to children who fill the home with joy. Also, she is affectionate in her treatment. It is noticeable that when men complain of their scolding wives, they of course forget the beauty of these wives. Allah Almighty - because of his great wisdom - has distributed different characteristics among women. One woman takes 100% in a specific aspect, 10%in another aspect, 50% in another one, and 70% in another one. But the total remains the same. So when you judge a woman you should consider her religion, manners, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, and her looks. But making the woman's looks everything is not true in this universe because Allah made the total fixed.

Marriage can have good results that no one knows but Allah:

﴾If you take a dislike to them ﴿

 You disliked the looks only, but she still enjoys a good religion, sincerity, honesty, good manners ,wisdom ,perfect house management, and a good way of raising the children.

﴾ if you take a dislike to them, it may be that ye dislike a thing and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good﴿

 She may give birth to intelligent children and relieve your worries concerning raising the children. Thanks to her, you can see your home organized and as one of the perfect homes.

﴾If you take a dislike to them ﴿

 Most of the scholars who interpreted the Holy Quran said that the dislike which is meant here is concerned with the point of beauty which the men are gasping for.

﴾ if you take a dislike to them, it may be that ye dislike a thing and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good﴿

 There is a story which is mentioned in the books says that a man married a woman and when he saw her in the wedding day, he did not like her. He slept with her that night then he left her for 20 years. He came back later to that city and there was a religious lesson held in the mosque where a lot of learners gathered around a young man teaching them. The man asked about that young man and found out that he is his son whom his wife gave birth to after that night of their wedding day. At that day when he was bored of her, she told him that the good may lie in the evil. If you saw me as evil, all the good may be in me. When that man discovered that his son became one of the great religious scholars, he went to his wife's house and said to his son tell your mother that there is a man at the door telling you that the good may lie in the evil. In conclusion, there are many fair good things that comes from a right Islamic marriage.

﴾ if you take a dislike to them, it may be that ye dislike a thing and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good)(19)﴿

 Justice necessitates considering her honesty, chastity, religion, good management, behavior, and her family including her mother and father. There are thousands of the measures that make the woman of a great value, but some men focus on one aspect of the woman and this attitude causes him sometimes in the end to hate her. However, if that hatred increased and the husband was close to committing adultery, what can we do?

﴾ live with them on a footing of kindness and equity.if you take a dislike to them, it may be that ye dislike a thing and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good﴿

Women deserve dowry only once:

 If the husband is no longer able to live with his wife and he is too close to committing adultery , it will be necessary for him to divorce her. Allah says:

﴾But if ye decide to take one wife in a place of another ,and ye had given one of them a Quintar (of gold i.e a great amount as dowry) take not the least of it back﴿

[Surat Al-Nisaa]

 The husband will be under a great illusion if he imagines that the dowry is related to the period of marriage, that if he divorced his wife when she was young , he would have the right to take back the dowry which he gave to her. This is a great ignorance; the verse highlighted that the woman deserves the dowry once –when she enabled him of herself -then the dowry is over.

﴾But if ye decide to take one wife in a place of another , and ye had given one of them a Quintar (of gold i.e a great amount as dowry)﴿

 The Quintar, the cow skin if stripped off, what can it accommodate?
 If you filled the cow skin with money or golden liras, it would be a great dowry.

﴾But if ye decide to take one wife in a place of another, and ye had given one of them a Quintar (of gold i.e. a great amount as dowry) take not the least of it back﴿

 The wife deserved the dowry since she enabled him of herself one time. That firm and strong covenant was mentioned twice in the Holy Quran. Allah has taken a firm and strong covenant from the prophets, and the marriage contract is considered by Allah as a firm and strong covenant.

If you want to divorce your wife you must give her all her dowry:

 The car contract may expire and it will have no consequences. Moreover, you can live or not in a house by its contract. However if you married a woman who gave birth to children, there will be a father and a mother to a child. There is a recurring problem that happens to those who travelled to the West and married -a woman there who gave birth to a child. There is a wide gap between that man and his wife. The most sacred covenant on earth after that of the prophets is the marriage covenant, so how can you take the dowry after you have gone in unto each other. The father, the brother, the son, the sister, and the grandson are forbidden to see of that woman what is allowed to her husband.
 She is a sacred woman ; a hidden jewel that was permitted to a man –it is a great thing. Most of the western world disregard marriage contracts. There are 90% of intimate relationships that have no true commitment of a contract, specific time, signature, or receipt.The man is able to kick the woman out of the house because their relation is intimate only. However, in Islam the marriage contract is the most sacred covenant and contract. This contact will be followed by children , a generation, and a believer or an atheist child.
 Some brother told me about their wives whom they married in the western countries and how their hearts melt when they remember that their children followed their msh3er and became of the stragglers. So it is necessary to show that the most sacred contract is the marriage contract.

﴾And how could ye take it when ye have gone in unto each other and they have taken of you a solemn covenant ?)(21)﴿

﴾But if ye decide to take one wife in a place of another ,and ye had given one of them a Quintar (of gold i.e. a great amount as dowry) take not the least of it back﴿

 If you decided to divorce your wife you should give her all the accelerated and delayed dowry.

Marriage in Islam has unprecedented immunity:

﴾take not the least of it back﴿

 If the wife hated the husband and asked for divorce by (Khula), the husband would have the right to take back everything from her. He also enjoys that right if the wife disobeyed him (became Nashez) ,committed adultery ,or ill-treated him. In the separation claims ,the judge may rule to the husband half, a quarter, a tenth, or two thirds of the dowry in case of ill-treatment. The main things that may cancel the woman's right in the dowry are adultery, disobedience (Nushooz), and ill-treatment.

﴾But if ye decide to take one wife in a place of another , and ye had given one of them a Quintar (of gold i.e. a great amount as dowry) take not the least of it back. Would ye take it by slander and manifest wrong?)(20)﴿

 How can you take it back after she deserved it since she enabled you of herself and when you have gone in unto each other where nothing of her is not allowed to you except what the prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him, prohibited.

﴾And how could ye take it when ye have gone in unto each other and they have taken of you a solemn covenant ?)(21)﴿

 The solemn covenant is the marriage contract. So the man should choose his wife carefully in order not to need divorce which will cause the wife difficulty and the children homelessness and loss.

﴾And how could ye take it when ye have gone in unto each other and they have taken of you a solemn covenant ?)(21)﴿

 The solemn covenant was mentioned only with the Prophets.The Islamic world enjoys unprecedented immunity of the marriage. When the wife is divorced she should enter the term of her (Iddat) even if she was old. It is not a question of making sure that the woman's womb is clear of her ex-husband 's sperm. The divorced woman shall wait three menstrual periods to protect the sacredness of the marriage. But if the woman's husband died, she would enter a term of (Iddat)of four months and ten days. Marriage is a sacred thing which begins with introduction and ends with consequences. In other lesson we will continue these verses if Allah permits us to do so (In shaa Allah) and Praise be to Allah, lord of the worlds.

Opinion related to Allah’s victory to our brother in Palestine:

 Question: Shall we fast on Monday so that Allah may relieve the suffering of our brother at Palestine?
 Answer: I have a specific opinion - all these deeds are partial things. If there was not a true return to Allah Almighty, reconciliation with Allah, integrity concerning the ordainments of Allah, or a true desire to hold Islam in our homes, these things will be useless. Allah Almighty wants us to come back to him. I mentioned in the speech today that we can learn from this severe ordeal which the Muslims suffer that any tribulation may be followed by a grant from Allah Almighty and that any ordeal may be followed by a pull to Allah Almighty.

﴾But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you and that ye love a thing which is bad for you.But Allah knoweth and ye know not(216)﴿

[ Surat Al-Bakarah]

 This biggest Zionist criminal may be unaware of the mission that Allah wants him to fulfill which is uniting the Muslims, sharpening the sense of heroism and sacrifice, and encouraging their generosity. This is really happening.The biggest criminal of the Zionist entity may push us into returning to our Holy Quran, our religion, and our prophet's teachings (sunnah). This criminal may encourage us to wake up after our inattention, to stand after our sitting, to move after our stillness, to co-operate after our competition, and to forgive each other after our enmity and hatred. We are facing an oppressive problem for which we should find strategic solutions not tactical ones. Fasting on Monday is not enough for solving the problem. The problem will be solved if everyone decided to repent sincerely to Allah.If everyone was farsighted enough to see the way of protecting the nation of the treacherous enemy, everyone should choose the field in which he can give all his powers and experiences. No one can relieve all the suffering of the nation except Allah, so as a human being you should choose your work, be sincere, relieve the Muslims' burdens, and give them what they need.

There are many ways for Jihad:

 I mentioned many things in my speech today. I mentioned four or five doors to striving in the way of Islam (jihad), that are available to all the Muslims in their countries. I said today that a tobacco company makes daily profits as a result of its sales in the Islamic world that are estimated to be eight thousand million dollars! There is a contract between this company and the Zionist entity whereby the Zionist entity deserves 12% of the profits.The Jews take nine million dollars as profits of that tobacco company from the Muslims of the world. What melts the heart is that the Muslims are the greatest smokers in the world ! So what can you say about the other tobacco companies profits? What can you say about the profits of the restaurant companies which are spread all over the Arab and Islamic world? Moreover, what is your opinion concerning the astronomical profits of the soft drinks companies? And what is your opinion concerning the profits of the car companies whose advertisements top the satellite channels in the Arabic world ? Are you forced by anybody in the whole world to buy these goods? If the leadership of your country did not order you to buy these goods –and excuse it if did so-would you be forced by anybody to buy these goods or would you be punished by anybody if you did not buy these goods? So that is an open door to striving (jihad).
 There is another door, which is searching for a safe and clear way to send some money to those whose houses were demolished, whose possessions were destroyed, whose land was bulldozed, whose electricity and water were cut off causing damage to food and making them drink of the salty water, whose men were shot dead, and whose children were dragged to jails. They live in a great suffering. Can you be pleased in your life? Do you feel comfortable eating your food, sleeping on your bed, and looking at your son while they lost everything? You ask, “what can I do?” The answer is that you have a million actions to do in order not to be held responsible.

It is a matter of return to Allah:

 O Brother, the whole issue is a question of returning to Allah.When we imagine and hear from the American president that Sharon is a man of peace, what will you say? Would you bear these words? You should not pin your hope on the people of the earth since they will not benefit you in any way. We should base our hopes on Allah only:

﴾in any case ,there is no help except from Allah ,the Exalted, the Wise)(126)﴿

[Surat-Al Emran]

 On earth the situation is easier; there is a person who solves the problem, but this person has no regulations to apply so you are comfortable. When you pin your hope on the people of the earth ,you have no problems.However ,if you based your hopes on Allah ,you should apply his regulations in order to be granted victory and support.
 The problem is that we deceive ourselves; whenever we want a solution from the people of the earth, we sit relaxed and lazy without applying the regulations.On the other hand when we make Allah the solution, we find that Allah has regulations.

﴾If ye will aid (the cause)of Allah ,he will aid you ﴿

[ Surat Mohammed]

﴾ in any case ,there is no help except from Allah ,the Exalted, the Wise) (126)﴿

[Surat-Al Emran]

 You can see the Muslims holding parties in the hotels lobbies, in the finest restaurants, and in the gardens of the farms paying hundreds of thousands while singing and gathering men and women in an impolite way. This is the Muslims' situation. Can the believer be pleased seeing his brother killed and captured and lacking food and medicine? They are hungry and their medicines were destroyed; it is a big issue. This issue cannot be solved with a tactical solution but with a strategic one. Allah wants us by this ordeal to return to him. If we come back to him, we will see his signs so clearly.

﴾And it was due from us to aid those who believed)(47)﴿

[Surat Arroum]

 This problem necessitates you to revise your home and work. You may have a position by means of which you can serve the Muslims and you can raise your children in a good way.The problem cannot be solved by the funeral prayers on the absent dead or by fasting on Monday. It can be solved by what is bigger than that. For example, if there is a student who never studied before and has an exam and one of his friends advised him to take an aspirin tablet, will that help him? He may also be advised to read Al Fateha or to kiss his mother' s hand. His problem can not be solved by taking the aspirin, reading Al Fateha, or kissing his mother's hand, because he did not study at all; this is the bitter reality. You should stick to the bitter reality and leave the convenient illusion. Our bitter reality is that we have a big problem with Allah. When Allah tested us by this horrible ordeal which the people cannot bear seeing or hearing and feel broken deep inside themselves because of it, the people discovered that Allah Almighty is the only hope.
 O Brother, the situation is as if Allah has abandoned us. I said in the supplication "O Allah do not abandon us” but there are those among us who do that and make him abandon us.
 Look how we were happy because of the rain, then notice from here to Menin Tarik Al Rabwa how many night clubs, singers, and dancers there are , and how much wine. This is after Allah has granted us rain.
 We have many sins. When Salah Al-Din Al-Ayoubi fought all Europe, what did he do? He removed evils and opened schools.When he put a tax on people for the sake of recruiting the army and then learned from the religious scholars that this is not legitimate, he cancelled it the next day. His leaders wandered how he canceled it and how he would equip the army but Salah Al-Din (may Allah bless him) answered them that jihad cannot be built on a sin.
 I said before that when you have a true belief in Allah, this belief will encourage you to obey Allah; moreover, if you have a true belief in the afterlife, this belief will encourage you to be fair and just with the Muslims.

Injustice begets suffering:

 Are not we unfair to each other? Take for example the lower class and the general public. How many claims and families include injustice? How many factory owners are unfair to their workers ? Injustice begets suffering. So Allah has a very painful truth I do not want to say, which is that Allah supports the fair atheist country over the unfair Muslim country! If there is injustice or a severe problem among us ,that situation will not be solved by fasting or by praying funeral prayer on the absent dead. It will be solved by retuning sincerely to Allah. Everybody should promise Allah to do something that goes beyond his daily needs and work; to do something precious towards Allah in order to deserve answering his supplication. And Praise be to Allah, lord of the worlds.

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